I can offer training in the following areas, adapted to meet your specific requirements. Typically these are a one day course, but we can be flexible to meet your needs and budget!
I can also develpoo training for a particular purpose within your organisation, adding engaging, participatory exercises and focus to make sure you get your points across.
What’s important to young people who use your service?
How could school be better at listening to young people?
How can we work better together with service users?
Want to involve young people in recruitment but not sure where to start?
I can design and deliver projects to help your organisation work with children and young people more effectively. Its easy and effective to involve young people in decision making – but getting started can seem daunting.
I’ll work with your service users and staff team to set up lasting and meaningful voice for children and young people.
I can design engaging online survey, effective group disucssions or in depth interviews to get to the heart of issues affecting your community, and identify the themes and important points for you so you can focus on using the information to help you develop your service.
Asset based community audits
Community networking events
Mapping your community
Bring people together to disccuss shared experiences and find what they have in common. Community netowrking events can bring unexpected benefits for your organisation and everyon who attends!